Mini Militia Ranks
Mini Militia is the best and action packed game which is also known as doodle army 2 which attracts the players who loves action packed games all over the world. Well, this game gives every user great experience because in this you go from various levels and each level gives you strong and better gaming experience.

Such levels are known as ranks. If you want achieve highest rank in the mini militia mod apk, then you have to clear all levels in order to become a formidable commander in chief. In this article, we are going to give you detailed insights that how this game enhances your gaming experience and how to increase rank in mini militia etc.
Mini Militia Ranks:
There are variety of rank in the mini militia mod apk. All such ranks and badges which are mentioned in the mini militia are listed below:
- Trainee
- Private
- Private Grade 2
- Lance Corporal
- Corporal
- Sergeant
- Staff Sergeant
- Sergeant First Class
- Master Sergeant
- First Sergeant
- Sergeant Major
- Command Sergeant Major
- Warrant Officer 1
- Warrant Officer 2
- Warrant Officer 3
- Warrant Officer 4
- Warrant Officer 5
- Second Lieutenant
- First Lieutenant
- Captain
- Major
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Colonel
- Brigadier General
- Major General
- Lieutenant General
- General
- Commander in Chief
- Basic Combat Training Badge
- Rifleman
- Sharpshooter
- Expert
Understanding how Mini Militia Ranks Work:
In the game of mini militia, your rank is the simplest representation of that what amount of power you have and what your experience in the game. Well, there ate total 21 ranks in the mini militia but you know each and every level contains different power, points and experience. Also Read: Mini Militia All Versions
Normally, such ranks will go from rookie to highest rank which is known as commander in chief. Once you gain the experience and points, you climb the ladder of ranks and achieve highest ranks in the mini militia game. Mini Militia ranks is the system through which you can increase your gaming experience, power, rank etc
How to Rank in Mini Militia Fastly?
There are 5 tips through which you can easily rank in the mini militia fastly. Such tips are:
- Plan your strategy.
- Gain Xp and Points.
- Advance your Skills.
Plan your strategy:
If you really wanted to increase your rank in the mini militia, then you have to make a plan or make a strategy for the next move. Also, use your weapons wisely and team up with other player in order to win every battle and increase your rank. Because through team up you are able to earn more points and able to win every battle through which your rank grows in a faster way.
Advance your Skills:
Utilize your every weapon and unlock more new weapons and do more practice in order to increase the combat abilities. Well, improvement in your skills is necessary for increasing rank in the mini militia.
Gain XP and Points:
You have to engage in every battle and shoot your enemies, achieve mission every objective in order to earn more experience points (XP) and get every points in order to increase your rank up.
Shortcut to achieve highest Rank in Mini Militia:
If you are not able to wait for long period of time then, there is a shortcut for you to achieve highest rank in the mini militia and the shortcut is, download mini militia mod apk in your phone. Because this version is game changer. In this modified version, you will get advance features and various benefits through which you can easily achieve highest rank and able to gain more advance weapons effortlessly. Also Read: Mini Militia Mods Apk
Pro Tip to Level Up your Mini Militia Rank:
Are you really ready to achieve highest mini militia rank, experience, combat styles? Here are some of the important professional tips through which you can easily level up your mini militia rank:
Choose Best Weapons:
Well, every weapon has a specific strength and weakness. So, it’s very important for you to understand the strengths and weakness of your weapons and choose that weapon which suits your style of playing because there are variety of guns in mini militia. Also Read: Mini Militia Pro Pack
Play strategically:
Always, strategize your combat style just like the original army soldier did in the battle. Utilize the advance combat tactics. Plus, make a strategy with other players in order to kills your enemies in a more coordinate combat style.
Gain More Experience:
One of the best way to gain more experience in the mini militia is to do a more practice. Don’t shy in facing challenging opponents, because every fight is an opportunity to learn, grow gain more experience.
Enhance your Gaming Controls:
Adjust the controls in the mini militia. Because by optimizing your gaming controls, you are able to enhance your combat style and you feel very relaxed while playing game.
Use Mod Version:
Using a mini militia modified version is the best way to earn highest rank in the mini militia. Because in this version, you will get various extra cool features which is not present in the original mini militia game. All such features are totally a game changer in every battle. Also Read: Mini Militia Malayalam Their Version
Familiar with Latest Updates:
Get a detailed track of all updates and the modifications in the mini militia game. Also, familiar with every update that what are the things changed in the mini militia and affect your ranking and experience factors.

Gain Experience Online and Offline:
There are two modes available in the mini militia. Through such two modes, you are able to fight with other players online and offline way instead of just stick to one mode. Each mode gives you a new gaming experience and a valuable lesson on every battle.
Improve your Combat Skills:

Play in every battle freely without worrying about losing or winning. Because through every match, you are able to earn more experience and techniques to achieve highest rank in mini militia.
Join Communities:
Join multiple communities of mini militia in which you are able to share tips and tricks that how you can achieve highest rank, gain better gaming experience, unlock various weapons and enhance your combat skills in mini militia.
So, by following all such professional tips, you are able to win every battle and gain better gaming experience. Dominate yourself in the game like a true commander in-chief. Enhance the combat skills by keep practicing. Through this way, you are able to enjoy action packed thrilling multiplayer game.
So, by following all these tips you are able to achieve highest rank in the mini militia game. You have to action in a game like a true commander in chief. My advice is to you, always keep practicing in order to achieve better rank and enjoy this thrilling action packed game.
One thing again I have to tell you that always download the Mini Militia mod apk from a trustable site like ours. Mini Militia mod apk normally enhances your whole gaming experience and easily you can achieve the top rank of mini militia.
Well, Mini Militia is fully action packed game which enhance your gaming experience. Normally, if you download the mini militia original app or Mini Militia mod apk, but the original goal is to achieve highest rank which is commander in chief. All you achieve highest rank, just by enhances your required skills, a better strategy and determination. In order to reach the top rank in the doodle army 2, you have to gin Xp points and other gaming points. In short, enjoy the gaming experience with the better skills and better plan or strategy.